QR Codes for quick & easy access to web pages on your smart phone

June 1, 2010

You have a mobile phone equipped with a qr-tag reader? You want to open the same web page on your mobile phone like on your desktop pc but are tired of typing a looong url with the smaaall keys / touch buttons of your phone ?

Here’s the answer:

Create a bookmark to this link:  javascript:window.location=’http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=480×480&chl=’+window.location

Now whenever you are on an interesting web page, open this book mark and a qr code will apear containing the link to your current page. Take a picture with your mobile phone and find yourself on the same page on your mobile phone like on your desktop pc … nice and easy 😉

Find below a sample qr tag containing a link to the main page of this blog:
QR-code with link to alxTechBlog